Analysis of top Offlaners 6.88

Over time in Dota 2, every role and position has evolved. New and changed heroes become relevant in new positions or bring changes to already established roles for them. With the introduction of Iron Talon and the new neutral camp, Offlane’s position has changed a lot over the past year. An offlane hero can leave the lane for neutral camps and develop quite successfully there.
Below, we’ll talk more about the heroes who are among the most formidable in the pro scene.
59 faceless void
After the hero was reworked, he became one of the most popular on offlane. Time Walk allows him to avoid heavy damage, making him a difficult target to gank. Standing 1 on 1 Void, he will easily dominate against most heroes, and when he senses danger, he can easily go back.
At The International 6, Void was one of the most popular and productive heroes. He is very strong on offlane, and in the course of the game he allows you to use many good combinations with other characters, for example, fixing the enemy with a dome under Invoker’s Sunstrike. Of course, there are characters that are difficult against, such as Disruptor, Storm spirit, QoP, who can catch up with him without much effort. In the worst case, Void can go into the forest and feel very comfortable there.
Item builds are quite flexible. It is currently very popular to collect Manta style and Diffusial blade, although it will also be legal to collect Vladimir’s offering and Aghanim scepter.
Void is the 4th most popular hero at 5k+ MMR with a 51% win rate. It is extremely rare for his peak to seem unfortunate.
24 Sand King
Neutral creeps raised their Magic immunity, which was bad news for Sand King. This prevented him from effectively farming the jungle through Sandstorm. As a result, it has become a popular trend to download it through Finale. With this buildup, the hero becomes more dangerous and aggressive in the lane, and also copes well with large stacks of neutral creeps.
As for the purpose of the hero in the game and his item build, everything remains the same. Sand King remains an initiator and ganker whose goal is to acquire an early Blink Dagger, which he uses to initiate and turn over in teamfights.
His 5k+ MMR win rate is quite high (49%) and pick rate is 21% and #11 in popularity.

105 Bat Rider
Whether it’s a new patch or meta, Batrider has always been popular. The ability of the hero to start a 5vs4 fight makes him indispensable.
At Ti6, he was the third highest scoring and second most heavily picked hero. The hero looks very good on the pro scene, but he did not find his calling in pubs. Batrider requires team coordination in order to successfully pull the opponent’s hero. Unfortunately, in pubs more unorganized actions take place, which reduces the effectiveness of the hero. As a result, his pick rate in pubs is only 3%, and the win rate is 49%
5 BeastMaster
If Batrider creates a contrast between its usefulness in the pro scene and its popularity in pubs, then Beast Master is beyond doubt. He was one of the most popular heroes to be picked or banned in all games. Being a good offlaner and having a unique set of abilities, BeastMaster will be useful in any situation.
As for pubs, 5k+ wins 49% of games. The pick rate is only 2%. Despite his pushing potential and his ability to dominate the lane, he faces similar challenges as Batrider. He needs communication to reach his full potential. Item build remained unchanged, Necronomicon lvl3 gives a huge boost in conjunction with his passive ability.
Offlaners new playmakers
Offlane has evolved a lot over the past year and it can be argued that it has given birth to new playmakers in the modern meta. As more carry heroes occupy the midlane, the offlane has become the new home for playmaker heroes and initiators. The ones listed above are just a subset of the actual heroes for the position; other heroes such as Ax or even Puck are also taken on offlane and are well worth it.